Why Choose us?
We have terrific people that will integrate seamlessly into your team as trusted members bringing specialized expertise where you need it when you need it.
You get results because our broad business and technical management experience helps you meet your business requirements through our use of result focused industry proven methods and experience we have developed over decades of doing this type of work. This approach assures that you have a roadmap to success with measurable milestones aligned with your business objectives and budget. We believe that the right people at the right time with the right experience following proven processes will consistently out-perform.
Unbiased and Vendor Neutral:
Serving your best interest in an ethical and confidential way is our only focus, and we do not affiliate with nor ever receive any compensation from vendors.
Cost Effective:
Your internal management and IT resources can stay focused on other urgent and strategic initiatives while we augment your team with our just-in-time skill set. Our people have the experience to do the job right the first time avoiding costly expenses associated with rework.
Return on Investment (ROI):
We look at the big picture and offer feedback from our management experience on how to get the return you expect on your investment and lower your total cost of ownership.
Comprehensive & Holistic:
Your requirements for today as well as those in the future are key considerations because we take a holistic view which looks beyond the immediate objective to position you for future opportunities. Our goal is to achieve results for the present while preserving options for the future.
What we do:
We assist client's with a broad spectrum of requirements in the area of Business Technology Management. We maintain core expertise on-staff in the areas of:
IT Leadership
Project Portfolio Management
Program / Project Management
How we work:
You look to us for experience, flexibility, high integrity, and results focused on your best interest, and we deliver:
Management Consulting: guiding you to the optimum path as you traverse the landscape of business and technical opportunities. Using our industry experience based on proven decision-making discipline we analyze your alternatives with methods and tools to improve your results.
Project Portfolio development and management support ensuring you are doing the right work.
Project Management Leadership: ensuring you are getting the work done as the Program or Project Manager leading your project from concept to completion using result focused industry proven methods. We follow your internal project methodologies and organizational processes during the project and where necessary, we augment with our methods (based on industry standards) to ensure the project achieves the planned result.
Enhancing your team: we give your team the necessary boost to be successful by integrating seamlessly with our just-in-time skills to fill the gap when your team is missing critical expertise.
Training: transferring our core expertise to your team through customized training that meets your specific needs.