Interim-Chief Information Officer (CIO)


Our client for this engagement was a regional bank, and our Interim-CIO talent reported directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the bank.

Essential Requirements included:

  • Maintain a highly available and reliable IT operational environment while addressing current and emerging demand.

  • Manage the Project Management Office and execute in-flight projects and strategic initiatives.

  • Provide updates to Executive Management and the Board of Directors on critical issues including in-flight projects and strategic initiatives.

  • Manage IT vendors and contracts including negotiating new contracts as needed.

  • Provide support for internal, external auditors, and support for the annual Federal Regulator Exam including resolving any exam or audit findings.

  • Ensure staff turnover remained low.

  • Prepare the environment for permanent CIO leadership.


This was a temporary staffing assignment, and our approach was to provide a steady hand on the wheel and seamlessly step into this role without any disruption, drama, or undue stress on existing staff or cause for the Board of Directors to have any concerns. This was a business as usual approach where we focused on the "keeping the lights-on" activities to ensure a stable environment while performing typical CIO responsibilities.

Our goal, where possible, was to avoid courses of action that would limit the future CIOs ability to execute his/her vision once onboard.


During our nine month engagement:

  • No Staff Turnover: We had no client IT staff turnover.

  • Successful Audits: We completed several audits and the client's annual Federal Regulators Exam without any new major IT findings.

  • No significant outages: The client experienced no significant service disruptions during our engagement.

  • Project Completion: Several key projects and initiatives were completed.

  • Transition to new CIO: The environment was successfully transitioned the new Senior Vice President of Business Technology who assumed the permanent CIO role.